This forum is built to help us learn from each other. Every post you make contributes to this forum, so learn to aprreciate. Please abide by the rules, all posts not following the rules will be subject for deletion
1. Avoid making insults
2. No Spamming
3. As much as possible try to use English as the official Language
4. No religious messages!
5. Respect each others Nationality
6. Post only in the right section (make it sensible)
7. Avoid Swearing !
8. First before posting use the "search"-option in the board!
9. Respect the moderators. If there are some problems with moderators feel free to PM the Admin
10. Respect the owner of this site also the administrators
11. Posting details (phone-nr, private-adress....) from other members isn't allowed
12. Don?t push posting-counter with messages like thx, haha, smileys....
13. SMS posting are not allowed (You're not the only one reading your message, and this will forever be save in our database as reference for others here in our forum)